Saturday, February 08, 2014


What is Love? The direct feeling of love and not just what Love does but what Love actually is? Can one truly say one has felt Love? Is Love a feeling? Or are words only a limited medium for understanding?

Is unconditionality a pre-requisite of love, post, or, Unconditionality "is" Love? Is it so easy to define Love?

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Why does this word called sacrifice come to mind when one let's go of something for someone? Or maybe let go of someone? Is it sacrifice or sacrilege of the feeling of love? Would sacrifice ever be in one's dictionary if one really loves?

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Can you not do the right thing once you know the truth? What is truth? As understood by one or as understood by most?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Desire and Ambition

Why does one yearn? Does it come from memory, thought, perception, sight? Is desire a result of the exposure of our senses? Do physically challenged people with lack of any of the senses have the same desires as anyone else? If lesser, than do they have lesser ambitions? And hence less susceptible to sorrow or frustration on not achieving the same?

Friday, August 25, 2006

Seeking and Desire

Is desire responsible for seeking? Is desire holy? What is the difference between desire, ambition and greed? Does ambition orginate from greed? Is desire different from other forms of wants? Are words responsible for all the confusion?

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Silence and Seeking

Will silence of the mind stop it from seeking? Is not wanting silence of the mind seeking? Is seeking the result of thought process? If so, what triggers thought for the mind to seek? Is it desire?

Sunday, July 24, 2005


What is silence? Will death of the thought process bring about silence of the mind? If so, will the mind be aware of what it faces? Is complete awareness related to thought at all? Is awareness related to intelligence at all? Or in the absence of thought, are awareness and intelligence one and the same?

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Thought and Silence

Can thought bring about a stillness of the mind with all the noise around one, within and without? Can thought know when the mind is silent? If so, is it silence anymore?

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Can thought bring about anything new? Or is it the past modified? Is thought capable of bringing about change?

Friday, April 15, 2005


Is the new really new or just a perception seen through a filter? Is there anything called new at all if everything has been existent and probably that which is not seen thus far?

Saturday, April 09, 2005


They say change is the only constant. Is change really a change or merely a modifed version of what has already been? Is new really new as in new? Or is it old seen differently? What is really new?